How Does It Work?
Scheduling your first session can be stressful and scary, especially if you don't know what to expect or if this is your first counseling experience! It is my goal to help ease your mind by knowing exactly what to expect when you schedule with me!
1. Booking an Appointment!
You can book an appointment by calling or texting me directly.
2. Email Confirmation!
Once you request an appointment, you will receive an email from me confirming your appointment time. The email should show up as "Brooklyn Hancock" with the email"yourprovider@simplepractice.com". Simple Practice is a HIPAA compliant database that I use for all of my client records and the forms that you will sign to begin services. See below for more information on what's included in the email. You may also receive an email with a link to our video chat if you are going to be seen via tele-health.
3. Paperwork
If you choose to schedule a regular session, in your confirmation email, you will be given 24 hours to sign in and complete initial paperwork. This may seem overwhelming, but all of the information for review is to ensure that you are informed of practice policies and gather necessary information so that we can make the most of our time during our first session. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns regarding the paperwork you receive.
If you are using insurance, I am credentialed with insurance through the company Headway. Headway will also be reaching out to you in order to confirm that your insurance is accepted and to set up billing. I know this seems tedious, but once it is set up you should not have to do anything else on your end! All regular scheduling and communication will continue to be done through Simple Practice.
4. Video Conferencing (if applicable)
In your confirmation email, you will receive a link to our video conference. I utilize Telehealth by Simple Practice, which provides a HIPAA compliant video platform. You will not need an account and there is no log-in required. Once you click the link, you will enter your name and enter the waiting room. I will begin our session at your scheduled time.
5. Your First Session
During our first session, we will introduce ourselves and begin to explore how we can work together to meet your therapy goals. Before we get started, I will ask you to show me a photo ID to confirm that you are the individual who has initiated services. We will also review the consent documents that you signed prior to session and address any questions that you may have. Once those items are complete, we will begin an initial assessment. This is simply a detailed medical, social, and psychological history. This will assist in me understanding you as a whole and in developing treatment plans. At the end of session, you can choose to go ahead and schedule your next session or you may choose to book online at a later date. Since you have already input your payment information prior to session, your card on file will be automatically charged at the conclusion of the session. If you are using insurance, Headway will address co-pay payment when they contact you.
Let's Work Together
I am looking forward to working with you in meeting your therapy goals! Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.